Flat feet, also referred to as pes planus, indicate a condition where the arches of your feet have collapsed, this can become very painful for an individual.
The first step for managing flat feet is consultation with a podiatrist. A professional diagnosis can help you understand how severe the condition is and the underlying causes of the same. The specialists might recommend imaging tests, such as an X-ray, or observe your gait to judge the extent of the problem.
Orthotic devices can alleviate the discomfort and provide arch support. Customised orthotics, which cater to your foot structure, can significantly improve the alignment of your feet and reduce the strain that would otherwise be put on your ligaments and muscles. Furthermore, custom orthotics can help distribute your weight evenly while reducing the strain on your feet.
Choosing appropriate footwear is essential if you are suffering from such a painful condition. Invest in shoes that provide the right cushioning and arch support.
Following specific physical therapy and practicing specific exercises is essential. Exercise and physical therapy can prove useful in strengthening the core muscles that in turn support the arches of your feet. Toe curls, calf stretches, and arch lifts are activities that can help make your feet stable and flexible.
If you have flat feet it is important to manage your weight. For individuals who are over weight may experience increased discomfort and pain.
A part of managing flat feet is to rest. You must avoid walking or standing on hard surfaces. Ice packs and elevating your feet can also aid with pain relief.
It is important to follow the guidance from your specialist, contact them to review your orthotics and arrange for new pairs as required. If the custom orthotics and physiotherapy exercises are not sufficient then surgery may be suggested. The HyProCure procedure is a minimally invasive surgery with the use of an implant. A consultation and X-rays with an orthopedic or podiatric surgeon is necessary to confirm whether this would be a suitable option.
Flat feet can be managed with custom orthotics and physiotherapy, staying fit is an important way to avoid increase pain. Surgery may be suggested if conservative treatment has not managed the issue.