Verrucae, referred to as plantar warts, are rough and small growths that usually appear on the soles of your feet. These warts happen because of a virus named HPV (human papillomavirus), and they can be painful and persistent. Cryotherapy (freezing treatment) is a common treatment that can be suggested to remove the verrucae.
It is specific strains of HPV that cause verrucas. The virus enters your skin through tiny abrasions or cuts and leads to the formation of warts on the skin surface. They often manifest as rough and small growths with black dots in their centers, and they can cause pain and discomfort.
The process of cryotherapy uses cold temperatures to treat different skin conditions, such as verrucae. In the case of a verruca, freezing agents such as liquid nitrogen are applied to the growths. This leads the affected skin cells to freeze and fall off. Such extreme cold destroys the wart tissue and lets new healthy skin form in its stead.
Cryotherapy has become a popular method in dealing with verrucas and eliminating warts. The freezing process destroys the wart tissue by bringing about an inflammatory response in your body. This prompts the immune system to attack the cells and remove them from your body. You may need several sessions to completely eradicate warts as verrucas.
After receiving cryotherapy, you might get blisters on the treated area or see a scab forming, this is part of the healing process. Follow the instructions provided by your specialist, this could include keeping the area dry and clean, applying recommended bandages and ointments, and avoiding picking at the scab.
Cryotherapy is a common treatment that is recommended to treat a verruca. Multiple sessions may be advised to remove the verruca.