A verruca, also referred to as plantar warts, can be a persistent problem. Theyappear as growths triggered by HPV (human papillomavirus) and usually appear on the soles of your feet. They can cause pain and discomfort in individuals, if untreated they can start to spread. As there are different options to treat a plantar wart, we will outline possible options that a specialist may recommend.
If your verruca is small and not so severe, over the counter treatment may resolve the issue. However, if the warts are large and seem more persistent, then the next step would be to contact a podiatric specialist to assess and devise a treatment plan. Typically the first course of action would be cryotherapy, however a combination of dry needling and surgical excision, or surgical excision alone, may be recommended.
The cost of verruca treatment is dependent on which option is recommended. At Podogo foot clinic, based at 17 Harley Street, we offer the option of receiving a quote prior to scheduling an appointment. Email our team today with a picture of your verruca and we will be happy to advise from there. A consultation is still required in order to discuss the treatment, in most cases we can carry out the treatment on the same day.