
June 14, 2022

Common Questions About Verruca

Common Question about Verrucae [betterdocs_search_form placeholder=”Search”] Do verruca go away on their own? They can go away on their own but there is no guarantee of […]
June 2, 2021
Ingrown toenail

Surgery for Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown Toenail Surgery | All You Need to Know About it What is an ingrown toenail? An ingrown toenail is when part of the toenail has broken or pierced the surrounding skin. What causes an ingrown toenail? They are often caused by malcutting, leaving a shard down the side of the nail. Sometimes, the nail […]
May 25, 2021
Metatarsalgia – Pain in the ball of the foot when walking

Metatarsalgia – Pain in the ball of the foot when walking

What causes pain in the ball of the foot when walking? There are a number of possible causes for this. The ‘balls’ of the feet are technically, the metatarsophalangeal joints (MTP joints). Pain in this area can mean that one of these joints, or the structures or surrounding structures of the joints are unhappy.
March 12, 2020

What is a Foot Corn?

What is a Foot Corn? Appearance A corn is a bump of hard skin on the foot. They typically appear as a raised hard, yellowish patch of skin that is often tender to touch and painful when walking or wearing shoes. A corn is not normally a serious health condition. They tend to form small […]
January 30, 2020
Forefoot pain

What is the pain in the ball of my foot?

What is the pain in the ball of my foot? It is quite common to feel pain and inflammation around the balls of the feet. Podiatrists refer to these symptoms as Metatarsalgia, although this is not a condition in itself. The balls of the feet are the slightly padded areas under the foot just further […]
December 13, 2019

The Best Verruca Treatments

The Best Verruca Treatments What is a Verruca? A Verruca is a small lump of hard skin, also known as a plantar wart, that grows on the sole of the foot. Verrucae typically appear as a small black dot beneath the surface of the skin with hard skin growing on top. They can be painful, […]
November 25, 2019
Ingrown toenail

Treating Ingrown Toenails

Treating Ingrown Toenails What is an ingrown toenail Ingrown toenails occur when the nail starts to pierce the skin and soft flesh surrounding it. This is quite common and typically affects the big toes. Often this condition is caused by: Wearing tight shoes that push the toes together Cutting your toenails too short or not […]
November 8, 2019
Plantar fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis The plantar fascia is a structure under the foot that connects the heel to the metatarsophalangeal joints (MTPJs) or commonly called the ‘balls of the feet’. Plantar fasciitis refers to inflammation of the fascia that produces symptoms. The typical location of symptoms are where the fascia inserts into the heel bone, or just […]
September 25, 2019

What Is a Morton’s Neuroma?

What Is a Morton’s Neuroma? A Morton’s Neuroma is a thickened, damaged or irritated nerve between your toes. This can cause pain, discomfort or restriction in footwear and may require specialist treatment. A Morton’s neuroma is found between the third and fourth webbing space of the foot but neuromas can develop in other webbing spaces. […]