
August 9, 2017
Foot and Ankle Problems

Why should you consult a professional podiatrist for your foot and ankle problems?

Why should you consult a professional podiatrist for your foot and ankle problems? When it comes to managing health problems associated with the feet, plenty of people choose to go to a general physician. However, in such cases a professional podiatrist is the specialist that is most trained and competent in assessing, diagnosing and treating […]
August 3, 2017
Key signs of Sever’s Disease

Key signs of Sever’s Disease (Heel Pain)

Key signs of Sever’s Disease (Heel Pain) Pain in heel – usually when weight bearing. Adolescents aged 7-14 years, especially those who are active in sports. Overview The calcaneal tendon (achilles tendon) is the strongest tendon in the body, and it connects both the gastrocnemius and soleus, known as the calf muscles, to the calcaneus […]